Hi! Welcome to my new home on the internet! It has taken a lot of work to get the name, logo, tagline, photos, graphics and website to all come together, and I’m so excited to share it with you! It feels like a baby has been growing invisibly, as they do in the womb, and finally its birth can be announced! Hello, new baby! Welcome to the world, and I trust you will grow to be strong, healthy, and able to do good things.

And here I am, the new mother as it were, and one of those new mothering jobs for this website-baby is to write blog posts!

I was thinking about that new job while I was creating the content for the web pages. I was reminded of when I was learning to facilitate circle conversations (www.thecircleway.net) and one the group participants admonished me for “being over my word budget” at the start of an exercise. Apparently my response was a little more than he had anticipated. I was informed that my answer was 23 words long when it could have been five or six.

Oh, Waldy. I wonder where you are now, and if you are still counting people’s words.

This was eight years ago, and the concept of “going over my word budget” has stayed with me. I think I’ve learned to whittle things down a bit, but the task of creating word-budget-friendly content for this website was quite a challenge.

There was so much on my heart to share! I have been pregnant with this website-baby way before I started talking to graphic designers and website creators last November, way before I gathered the courage to apply for a financial support grant with Creative Saskatchewan, way before I moved (part of) my studio into my new house a year ago, even before I casually mentioned to my Mom, over six years ago, “wouldn’t it be nice if I could make rugs in my studio and also have space for Reiki sessions so I could see some people too?”

Perhaps this idea was conceived inside me for all of my life, growing slowly and steadily, unseen. Like a little foot moving around inside sometimes there were flutters of movement but there was nothing to do but wait for the continued gestation. Perhaps I was never not going to birth this website-child. Looking back, I see that all my jobs, hobbies, and interests have had intersections of exactly this – I was always doing it anyway, all along.

Now I’ve just put it all in one place.

No wonder it was hard to write succinct web pages because the streams of work I’m bringing together in SpiritWeaver Studio are a culmination of my entire life. And I love my life! It’s a lot to try to explain in just a few paragraphs! The word budget is just going to have to stretch a bit on those pages, I’m sorry, Waldy.

I can be mollified by the fact that I have this ever-expanding blog page where I can offer more explanations and descriptions of what I hold dear, what brought me to this work, and the people who have inspired me along the way.

I look forward to all that evolves!


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